- European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning 2016. Country Report: Finland. (2017. Cedefop, the EU Commission, ICF International).
- How non-formal and informal learning is recognized in Europe. Finland – Country report. (2015. Bertelmanns Stiftung.)
- Guidance in Validation in the Nordic Countries. (2015. NVL. Co-author.)
- Validation and the Value of Competences. Roadmap 2018. (2015. NVL. Co-author)
- Nordic Competence Profiles of Validation Practitioners and Competence Development (2015. NVL. Co-author.)
- Concept Note and Recommendations: Implementing NQF, Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning and Curriculum Design in Egypt (2015. Karttunen, A. Twinning project publication)
- Quality in Recognition and Accreditation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning – Prerequisites for a High Market Value Process (2014. Karttunen, A. in Sociology and Rights. Saint Petersburg university of Management and Economics).
- Quality in Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning – Prerequisites for a high market value validation process. (2014. Karttunen, A. in The role of education in economic, social and legal culture formation. Saint Petersburg University of Management and Economics).
- Policy Concept Paper developed in co-operation with the Ukrainian country experts – Continuing Vocational Training in Eastern Europe – International expertise for consolidation of system for Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL) in Ukraine (2014. Karttunen, A. European Training Foundation).
- European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning 2014. Country Report: Finland (European Commission; Cedefop; ICF International).
European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal
learning 2014: country report Finland. - Life Long Guidance Strategy of North Savo (2014. Karttunen, A. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment).
- Life Long Guidance Quality Assurance Tool (2014. Karttunen, A. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment).
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Latvia, Estonia and Finland: An analysis of the context. 2012. (Aarna, O., Maslo, I., Karttunen, A., Surikova, S., Journal of Educational Sciences / Revista de Stiintele Educatiei. XIV, nr.2, 2012).
- Challenges in the work of recognition / validation of prior learning in the Nordic Countries. Memorandum from the NVL expert network on validation. (2010. Nordic Network for Adult Learning. Co-author).
- Validation as an intervention. 2010. (ed. Pehkonen, A. Towards working life – Making Immigrants’ Competences visible).
- Viewpoints in Validation – From Europe to Finland. 2010. (ed. Pehkonen, A. Towards working life – Making Immigrants’ Competences visible).
- European quality standards in the Finnish Competence Based Qualifications. (Karttunen, A. 2007. Tampere Polytechnic Publications).
- Euroval Quality Standards for Validation (2005.Co-author).
Expert contributions in publications (interviews, written information, reports etc.)
- Recognising Non-Formal Certificated Learning within and outside Qualifications Frameworks in the UK, the Netherlands and Finland. Final report. 2014. Qualification Frameworks in the UK.
Quality Model for Validation in the Nordic Countries. 2013. (Eds. Dahler, A-M. and Grunnet, H.) - Nordisk Forskning och Exempel på Validering. (Nordic Research and Exapmples on VNFIL). 2012. NVL Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande.
- Kvalitet i validering i Norden. Afsluttende rapport for dokumentationsprojekt. (Quality in Validation in the Nordic Countries. Final Report for a Documentation Project) 2012. (Eds. Dahler, A-M. and Grunnet, H.)
- Time to Recognize all Types of Learning. European Voice. 2012.
- European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning 2010. Country Report: Finland (Interview and references)
- Maahanmuuttajien Osaaminen Näkyväksi. 2011. Ekholm, E. Sisäasiainministeriö.
- Anerkendelse af Realkompetencer i Nordisk Perspektiv. (Recognition of Competences from the Nordic Perspective).2010. Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut.